As some of you may or may not know, I was diagnosed with Mono during this past week. So between my sporadic nap sessions, fever and need for hospital blood samples to be taken, I have had a serious lack of time to update. Just letting you all know, I will be back after a short intermission.
Also, I just finished reading (and will not be reviewing) The Book of Air and Shadows by Michael Gruber. It's an interesting read if you're really into Shakespeare and love the DaVinci Code. It's a bit slow for the first 100 pages, but it definitely picks up and before the end of it all you're seriously questioning everyone's motives. Moreover, this book is NOT YA, it is an "adult" fiction novel and by adult I do not mean "adult xxx," but more like mature reading that I probably wouldn't want my 10 year old doing... that is if I had a ten year old...which I don't...ANYHOW, I'm obviously becoming delirious. I will be off on my merry way. I will update soon with another review. Until then...
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